Executing End of Tenancy for Landlords The Right Way

There are several reasons why a tenancy might come to an end, such as the conclusion of a fixed-term agreement or either party’s desire for early termination. Considering how this can be burdensome for landlords we have created an essential checklist that outlines key tasks when preparing for your tenant’s departure.

Verifying the Termination of a Rental Agreement

In the event that you wish to terminate a tenancy before its fixed expiry date, it is imperative that notice be provided to your tenant. Typically, such notice entails giving at least 28 days’  advance warning; however, this may vary in accordance with your specific tenancy agreement. The same expectation applies to tenants seeking to vacate their residence: they must provide proper notification based on provisions outlined within the lease agreement. Following receipt of said notice – whether by landlord or tenant – documentation confirming pertinent details (such as proposed move-out dates) should additionally be committed to writing.

Advice: Refrain from permitting tenants to use their security deposit for paying the final month’s rent in event of property damage.

Conduct a thorough inspection prior to your tenant’s departure.

Landlords are advised to conduct an inspection a few weeks prior to the move-out date. This approach benefits both parties as it allows for any concerns or issues to be addressed before the tenants vacate, increasing their chances of receiving their full deposit back while also reducing the need for maintenance between tenancies by landlords.

Don’t forget to examine the property after the tenant’s departure, in order to determine any necessary deduction from the deposit and guarantee that it is suitable for potential future tenants.

Here’s how to evaluate a rental applicant

One of the crucial tasks when ending a tenancy is checking out the tenant. To do so, it’s essential to conduct an inspection by comparing the condition of their dwelling with its initial inventory report at move-in. During this visit, you may need to make deductions from their deposit; therefore, having them present can be advantageous for explaining your reasoning and allowing them time to address any issues needing fixing.

The check-out process includes taking your final meter readings and informing the tenant about the deposit return procedure.

Reach an agreement with tenants regarding deductions from the deposit.

Once deductions have been determined, you must provide the tenant with a detailed account of these and forward the agreed-upon amount accordingly. If an agreement cannot be reached between yourself and your tenant, then utilizing your deposit scheme’s Dispute Resolution process may become necessary. Once mutually decided upon, you will have 10 days to return their deposit; in cases where a scheme is utilized for holding deposits, notifying them becomes mandatory as well.

Make sure your tenants have cleaned thoroughly

Your tenant most probably performed a thorough cleaning or engaged the services of a specialist cleaner to tidy up your property since it is compulsory for them to return the premises in their original condition. Failing that, you might want to ponder offsetting this expense from their deposit amount.

These are frequently overlooked areas:

Outdoor space should be kept clean and well-maintained

It is necessary to perform a thorough deep cleaning and defrosting of the fridge freezerInspect taps and shower heads for limescale buildup and check for any mold growth.

Make sure that the extractors are free of grime after cleaning.

Inspect the sofa and carpets.

Take the opportunity to get ready for future occupancies

To limit any time of void periods, seize the opportunity to renovate and revamp it

With SPS Guaranteed Rent, we empathize with the busy schedule of landlords. Hence, to ease their burden during a tenancy’s end, we offer free refurbishments that refresh the property whenever tenants move out before new ones arrive. Additionally, our committed property inspectors conduct property visits while our maintenance crew performs minor repairs without any cost implication for you. Also included in our services is undertaking the check-in and checkout process on your behalf for an effortless job as a landlord. Discover more benefits offered by enrolling in our Guaranteed Rent Scheme today! Check out https://securedpropertysolutions.com/guaranteed-rent/